Matthew 6:33
33″ But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Most of the time I love when God speaks to me. The other night was not one of those times however. God sent me a dream of me having a conversation with my younger self and I didn’t love the chat…. At all…. I encourage you to think about what the conversation would look like to your younger self.
Dear Young Vernon,
You Do Not Know What You Don’t Know
I love you and wish you knew then what I know now. At your young age you think you are invincible. You think that you will always be able to handle any situation and always make money the way you used to. Silly Vernon, Someday God will break you in both areas and you will have tons of time to think about it alone. I wish you know that a job should never out rank your family (Wichita Vern). I wish you knew that If you love the lord your God, that you will have trials and problems. How you handle those issues will dictate your future. Choose wisely.
Wisdom and advice
Proverbs 2:6
” For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Young Vernon, you lack judgement, wisdom and the advice you get is earthly and not from God people. I wish you knew to never have an argument with your wife when Jack, Crown and Miller are in town. Wait until the next day. Trust me because you leave yourself open to being called a drunk and an attack on your integrity is inevitable.
I wish you know how important it was to take the time to pray with your beautiful wife morning, noon and night. Ask her what she needs and what she wants to pray for. Pray together in agreement with the Lord and watch it happen. Never ever take this for granted it could have saved your marriage.
I wish you had enough sense to put the bottle down, grab your wife, dance with her, put your arms around her and tell her what she means to you many times a day. Make her put her cell phones away and listen to you tell her that you think about her all day (because you always did) and that if she wasn’t in your life you wouldn’t know what to do. You do not know that someday you won’t be able to speak to her for seven months or longer and you will regret every day that you didn’t do this for the rest of your life.
Younger Vernon, I wish you knew to not be complacent and take that extra trip to the park with your kids. Take the initiative to tuck them down for bed and not give up that treasure because you felt that making their lunches, breakfast and dinner was enough for the day. Give your kids an extra hug (make it a long one so they know how you feel about them) every single day as well as an extra kiss. You do not know that in the future you will not be able to see them alone for nearly 4 months.
Younger Vernon, I wish you knew God will not listen to your prayers when you have sin and hurt or frustration in your heart. I wish you know that when you come to the Lord that you need to come correct, be respectful and pray and speak with purpose. Kingdom purpose for God to get all the glory. (Psalm 66:19)
Younger Vernon, I wish you know that harboring anger is a sin. Anger alone isn’t a sin but when you go to bed angry you allow the devil to creep into the minds of both you and your spouse. Let it go. Give it to God because what you don’t know is that the evil one will use these issues to gradually tell your spouse that you are unfixable. That you cannot be forgiven, and that you are a waste of time trying and that moving on is the best for all. Do not be Angry. It will cost you everything.
Younger Vernon, I wish you know that you need to continue to pursue God even when you are doing the right things and the outcome isn’t changing. (1peter4:19) You don’t know this, but God will bring the rain when He (and you) are ready. Your job is to prepare for it to happen like it has already been granted. Faith, lack of sin and clean motives are what God cares about and He will honor that eventually.
Younger Vernon, I wish you know that you were created in God’s image (James 3:9). That you through faith can move mountains. I wish you know that the Holy spirt Is in you already but that with simple prayer and forgiveness, you can activate it in your life and things that were never possible before can be now. That Holy Spirit can make you happy and joyful in impossible situations and that you can change yourself by allowing it to cure addictions or attitude imperfections that you have had since birth. I wish you know these things because then I would not feel the pain that I do now in this trial.
Younger Vernon, I wish that you knew about the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) and that through this, no weapon formed against you will prosper against you (Isiah 54:17). I wish you knew that you can command the devil to flee and that you control whether he sifts your family like wheat or not (Luke22:31). I wish that you knew how to guard your heart and mind through the armor because then out of the mouth would have sprung truth and righteousness, not hurt and exasperation.
Tough Love Time
Younger Vernon, I wish you knew that God wants to use your big mouth for Him not for hurtful words, cussing and sinful talk. Stop being foolish and figure it out! I wish you knew that God uses imperfect people for perfect scenarios at just the right time. I wish you knew that your mouth and outspokenness will bring many to the Lord according to God, but I wish you knew the damage your tongue will do before you wake up and figure it out.
Grow up and be a real man like God wants you to and accept responsibility for your family (Ephesians 5:25). Lead through prayer, example, the blood of the Christ and through your testimony. The family is your responsibility and is a direct reflection of your leadership. I wish you knew that your leadership is great everywhere but lacking where it matters most.
Younger Vernon, I wish you knew that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:6-8) ….. you’ve changed and its time to chase the Lord with every ounce of energy that you have! I wish you knew that it is never too late and it is never “over” with the Lord.
Younger Vernon, I wish you know that you are the cause (and also to solution) to the drama in your family. I wish that you knew that through prayer you can change and influence your entire family far more than through yelling, bullying or threats. I wish you knew that not understanding this will cost you your family.
In summary, I wish I knew then what I know now. The only issue with this of course is that God’s plan and timing and redemption is perfect. Had you not gone through most of these trials and pain, you would not every be prepared and refined for God’s predestined plan for you and your life. My only regret is the unnecessary pain and frustration that I caused others along the way. Younger self, get ready for a wild ride in God’s detour filled life!
Matthew 6:33
33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”