This week was somewhat emotional on many levels. While one era was ending, a new one was beginning. In the past, I never fared well in these types of changes because I ran to other things instead of asking God to fill that void. When things end or when loss happens, people always tend to run to the things that controls them or what they think or are told will fix the issue. These things are always the opposite of the Holy Spirt and we need to be careful. Who or What do you run to when you are lonely?
Who Do You Run to?
In the past I ran towards people, places, things and other when in crisis. The online Dating ap world is a half a trillion-dollar a year business and that is because it is the number one thing that people turn to when they lose someone or feel lonely. I know this feeling and situation all too well. People run to this service because initially it makes you feel good to be desired or “swiped” by someone else. The feeling of loneliness falls away until you realize how many crazies exist online. The love of being “desired” or “needed” goes away when the loneliness of a one-night stand or someone using you for their pleasure that stems from this outreach hits home and they leave you discarded like trash. Sometimes even worse happens and it always amazes me that the thing we run to is often the same thing that helped cause all the pain in the first place “Like a dog returns to its vomit (Proverbs26:11). That is the definition of insanity. For some people, it isn’t dating. It’s a person, place, or thing. Sometimes its alcohol, or food, or drugs or much worse. What is it for you that you run to and what does God have to say about this?
What Does God Want?
God says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”(Matthew 11:28). God is very clear that He wants you to use Him, His word, and His Holy Spirit to fill the gaps, to fill the loneliness, to fill the desires you crave and more. “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you”(James4:8). It begins with the fruit and nature of repentance and most who are in crisis refuse to repent. “they are the problem not me” and “This isn’t my fault” is often heard and that is the way to sin. Very rarely do we take accountability for our part. In our Christian men’s group in the past 4 months, I have seen firsthand men that have repented of their sins, been cured of sicknesses, cured of illness like alcoholism, sexual addiction and much worse almost overnight (1 Corinthians 10:13). The Holy spirit allows you to have a relationship with God that you never had before and only this way can healing happen. The best real world example that I can give you running to aps or people is like putting oil into your fuel tank instead of gas and wondering why you are stranded down the road. In the Old testament, we see God’s wrath poured out on people in the form of floods, fire from the heavens and more. When the veil was torn with the death of Christ on the cross, the wrath of God changed to become more “passive”. I’ve written about this a few times but essentially God alerts you to your sin or action that is counter to what He desires. When you run to the Cross first, you get peace. When you run to the dating ap or other people places and things, part of you doesn’t feel peace. That is God alerting you that sin is to come from this behavior. Can you be on a dating ap or run to other people with your problems without falling into feelings or physical connection with them? Can you resist the temptation that comes from what appears to pure ecstasy until you see that the new person giving you so much attention is also flawed and maybe even more than the one you are running fom? This is God reminding you subtly and we ignore the signs until God finally says “Therefore I give them over to the sinful desires of their hearts” (Romans 1:22-32 outlines this entire process perfectly as only God can). Being turned over to our desires entails 3 things. First, God allows the things that we desire to drive us instead of the other way around. Second, He allows us to move forward without Him protecting us and hearing our prayers. And lastly, He allows us to become addicted and taken over by what we ran to. The good news is that God in His amazing grace always allows us to see the light and to return to eternal love and salvation through Him(psalm 81:10-16, Psalm 82:1-8). for the first time in 2022, I ran to the cross as I sprinted past all the other snares that exist out there (Matthew 6:33). God can fill my loneliness better than Tinder or the other lonely souls seeking attention. God can cure my illnesses and restore my reputation. As for me and my house, we will serve (and seek) the Lord”