“The best way to change the world is to go home and love your families”
Mother Teresa
Loving your family seems like a given but we all know that there are just some people that we deem “unlovable”. More on that later. There is an old saying that “only women children and dogs are loved unconditionally”. The premise is that men need to provide something or be a fixer to be loved. Whether that is 100% true or not, there will come a point in every man’s life when he realizes that he can’t do it alone and the he can’t be everything to everyone and he can’t fix every problem in his own life let alone others that depend on him. What comes next is peace or more problems depending on the choices that he makes from there.
Dog House or God’s House?
I’ve watched dozens and dozens of men choose a bottle, or pills or work, or woman after woman to try and find that peace. But all of those paths lead to death. Death of families, friendships, marriages, careers and even actual death. Sadly in 2024 I am seeing not only men fall into this pattern, but the ladies of this world as well. It is more and more common to see this in both genders now that in the past but we will not get into that here. Either way, one things remains true for whether for a man or woman. That truth is that most of us will never hear that the only true way to peace and feeling complete is through Jesus Christ. We are told that we can have our truth, the worlds truth, our friends truth or what society calls truth. The lie is bold and seems true and maybe that is why Jesus said “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). The greatest realization that I was ever given was also at the same time that I realized I had failed miserably for years. I got asked one time “what did you do to get yourself here”. Such a profound question that could only have known to ask it because he found the narrow gate and the truth through much of the same suffering. Anyone else would have stood with me and cursed the other things in my life instead of shining a light on the death that was in it. We need that person in our life if you want to be able to let go of all the weight and stress that we put on ourselves or that comes from the world! You may never find the type of “unconditional love” that women children and dogs get but you will have peace. In fact when you begin to change you may find yourself alone because those who “knew” you in the past will refuse to believe any change can happen for the positive but Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). If you are in need of rest and peace there is hope for you. You can begin by checking out our church or better yet a men’s feed event this summer and hear how other men just like you have been freed and learn how to love your family the way it is supposed to be! We hope to see you there!