Luke 12:2-3
We always used to tell our children, “be sure that your sin will find you out”. We said this because we wanted our children to know that it was better to tell the truth then to lie about things because eventually the truth always comes out. Evidently as adults, many of us need to remember that and learn this as well. The Lord Jesus Christ knows the deepest pits of our heart and the depth of our sin and yet we continue to act like if we ignore God and don’t ask for forgiveness of these things, that somehow God won’t know or care. Even worse, some of us are unaware that the things that we do are sins, and we continue to move forward like nothing is wrong as we leave a wake of mess and destruction behind us. What do you think God almighty things of this?
What Does God Say About This?
Many of the things that I’ve done in my life, I’ve been so ashamed of that I have never asked for repentance from the Lord our God until recently. I never asked because I was so embarrassed to even say the words in prayer or out loud to anyone that I couldn’t find the guts to do it. That all changed when my world crashed. I finally fell on my face and ask God to forgive me for literally everything that I was too embarrassed to ask for over the years. The change and the felling that I had almost immediately was so intense I almost couldn’t stand it. God was quick to tell me that “misery loves company” and that when you plot against others and involve those from your past to gain favor for yourself on this Earth, God takes notice. He showed me that when you lie and don’t tell the truth (especially against other believers), God takes notice (Exodus 20:16). When you hold back from the Lord and don’t ask for forgiveness for everything that you have done, God takes notice (1 John 1:9). Trust me, You do not what this kind of notice from God. This year in 2022, I realized for the first time what it took for me to be at peace. Throughout all of this, God has shown me so many things that are important and I feel that he wants me to share those with others.
What I Didn’t Know
For years, because I never had a strong spiritual leader in my life, I never gave many of these things much thought let alone to how it affected those around me that I loved, and I never cared much about how it affected my relationship to God. When I Got connected to God via the pastor here in Trinity, FL, He was very quick to explain to me that when acting as I was, God refused to hear or answer my prayers (Psalms 51:10). Furthermore, Pastor told me that when you tattoo things on your body that praise the Lord and proclaim you to be a Christian and then you act the opposite, God views this is blasphemy (Matthew 12:31). Blasphemy is the most serious offense you can do against God and is also the only way you can lose your salvation. Hearing this and being shown this in scripture, I am now keenly aware of the repercussions. Becasue of my knowledge in this now, I was able to share it with my oldest daughter this week when she asked me if she could get a tiny cross tattoo behind her ear. I told her yes if you are ready to serve the Lord God every day for the rest of your life. She paused and said “maybe I will just get a heart instead. It led to a great father/daughter discussion and I am so grateful for it. Once again my past sin was being used for good. I referenced in a prior blog that if God or others read your text messages, would they believe you are a Christian. According to Peter, (2 Peter2:21-22) it is better to not know the Lord and to sin, than to accept God into your heart (or tattooed on your forearm) and to sin and keep sinning. God doesn’t mess around and He takes those who use his name and his “will” in vain very seriously. I never ever want to be on the losing end of that ever. When we sin like this, it has lasting consequences and affects on those that we love. One of the biggest regrets I have in my life is that I won’t get to right some of the wrongs that I have done in the past and that some of those that I love, who did the hard work of helping force me to change for the good, will never see and experience the new creation that God has created. Thoughts of this make me sad until I hear the God works all things for His good (Roman 8:28). I’m excited for the next chapter of my life with God blessing me along the way!
23 “But by doing this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.